
What Does It Meen When She Is Flerting

what does it meen when she is flerting

Where can I get an ID card reading software.?

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Where can I get an ID card reading software.?
I ordered online a sample id card. This card is like corporate ids and I was able to put my own bar code on it. Now I want to take it a step further and order a couple hundred of them, but I would like to enter information for each card in a database and be able to link it to that data base when ever someone uses one of these cards.
What I want to be able to do with these card is issue them to members of my club and when ever they come in the club with one of these id cards, it would get scanned and they would receive a discount at the bar. Also I would be able to see who used there card and where the used it (Bar or door). Any help on this would be appreciated.

Suggestion by Colanth
To the computer, a barcode reader looks like a keyboard, so you need software you can type the barcode number into. What you do after it's "read" is up to you – put it into a text file, a database, etc. (Even Notepad can be used to store barcode reads.)

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Fran Greene

Do you think I can buy a shirt online with a visa prepaid card?
I read online that I can buy stuff with a visa PREPAID card
since I don't have a paypal
I think I have found the solution
So the site asks for a billing address and you register your address online with the card
then just buy it
but I worry that when I get it It's still gonna send me a bill
because I dont know how this works
it's sorta confusing but to simplify it
can I buy a shirt online with a visa prepaid card after I register it even though it asks for a billing address?

Suggestion by Life Is Better After Retirement
There is nothing to worry about. When a site ask you for the billing address, they mean the address that your card is billed to. This is to help prevent fraud and card theft.
They are NOT for sending a bill to you.
You are right to put your registered address in the billing address line.
I hope this helps you understand better.
So rest assured that you will not receive a bill.

Suggestion by latoya j
yes you can its like a normal card you just can't go over the limit on it.

Tarot card reading, what does she mean?
I got a tarot card reading, and im left confused to what she means, i got the 'Two of Cups' card for my Past position,
Here is what she said,
Your first card, in the Past position, is the Two of Cups. A new love affair. You will be in sync with another. Two people finally come together after a long flirtation. A broken relationship is healed through forgiveness. Connections are made in business. The start of a new relationship that will have a dramatic effect on your life.

How to Flirt and Drive a Guy Wild (101 Flirting Tips for Women and Girls)
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Shawn Burns

I currently have a boyfriend, im confused does this mean i'll meet someone else or does she mean it we've come together after a long flirtation, as we've met online and i spoke to him for a year before meeting him and speaking to him on the phone for 6 hours most weekends?


Suggestion by Warumono 悪者 (not Hated or Loved)
If it is in the past position, then I believe that she means you have come together after the long flirtation. But that is only my interpretation.

Suggestion by Larry E
They don't want you to fully understand what their saying. That way you can't pin them down on anything.

Suggestion by Crystal Dolphin
Well, hard to interpret exactly what the card means without knowing the type of reading and what other cards lay around it. Cups represent the element of water, which relates to emotions. Two of cups usually represents some sort of emotional joining together, a relationship, (but keep in mind that relationships don't always mean romantic relationships – there are friendships, business partnerships, etc.). And your reader threw a couple of other things in there which, again, I don't quite understand without knowing the whole layout.

It does sound though, that if this was in your *past* position, it would make sense that it refers to your current boyfriend considering you were communicating via internet and phone for quite a while before meeting….and then you came together and formed a further bond in person. Remember – this card showed in your past position, which leads up to your currrent situation.

Has anyone here played STAR CHAMBER online Card,strategy,board,sci fi game?
just wondering how many people know about this game. You can download it free from here.

to play you just buy card and start playing. The online community is very friendly and willing to help new players. I have been playing if for years. It has low graphics requirements and doesn't require lots of bandwidth to play. all your cards are stored online. You can build decks and save them as files and any time you want to get an old deck you don't have to go through a bunch of cards. There are 3 ways to win the game. by political, military, or destiny. there are so many ways to win using the decks and board game and strategy its mind boggling. If it sounds interesting then you might want to check it out. Thanks for reading.
you can also play with free cards in a practice game. they are also quite fun and many older players will even play them.
hehe hey sturum errr c*r*s… yeah im trying to revive its community. its lot of fun and doesn't take along time to play a game. I figured I would let people know about it and if they are interested they could check it out.
lol hey buddy you just got your self the best answer.. and the only answer lol.

Suggestion by Sturm Vogel
Hello there. No I have not played it, but I have watched you play it. Is it more exciting than Eve?

Incoming search terms:

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