
Song: Are You Lonely Tonight

song: are you lonely tonight

T-Tapp for the Tired

T-Tapp for the Tired


Are you tired?  Are you dragging through your days?  It reminds me of that old song "Are You Lonesome Tonight?" except the refrain is "Are You Tired Today?"

We all know that there are many reasons for being tired:  stress, hormones, overweight, pregnancy, motherhood, sleep deprivation, nutritional deficiencies and more. 

As a mom of twelve, I'm extremely familiar with tiredness.  Fatigue was a way of life before I found T-Tapp.  But within two weeks of starting to exercise, my children said to me, "Wow, Mom, you're not tired all the time anymore."

But of course, even after reaching my goal, I've had seasons of being tired.  Here are a few ways I cope with times of more-than-usual fatigue:

Definitely take care of health issues.  I work closely with a health care provider for thyroid and adrenal issues. 

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Get more sleep.  Easier said than done, I know, but let's admit that sometimes we do it to ourselves.  Starting that movie late, cruising on Pinterest, reading just one more chapter that turns into six.  Try a hot bath, head to bed earlier than usual to wind down and turn off the electronics at least an hour before bed.  Your body (and possibly, your marriage) will thank you.


Note:  Mommies with little ones are a special case.  During this season of life (and believe me, I understand), do the best you can. There's a temptation to stay up late or skip a nap just to be alone!  Monitor your energy levels (and emotions) to decide which will benefit you more.  Just don't let resentment or self-pity spoil the times when you're not able to get enough sleep—or alone time.

Exercise.  I can hear it now (because I've said it):  "I'm too tired to exercise."  Relax.  Well, don't relax, exercise.  Generally, the less you exercise, the more tired you feel.  At least three workouts a week (and four is even better) will help you have more energy.  But it may take a couple of weeks to get there and at first you may think it's not working.

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When you're really tired, first determine if you're exhausted and coming down with a virus.  In that case, rest instead.  But if you're just sluggish and draggy, exercise will do you good.  Here is a list of my favorite routines when I'm extra-tired but know I need to move:


MORE Chair plus MORE Step Away or Broom
Basic Workout Plus, 4 reps
Basic Workout Plus, skipping parts of Plies and the drop-downs on T-Tapp Twist and possibly Hoe Downs
Jog Rocks, believe it or not (that'll get yer blood pumpin'!)
Primary Back Stretch, T-Tapp Twist Stretch, one set of Hoe Downs
Some version of Primary Back Stretch, then whatever moves sound fun (Torso Twist, for example)

TappCore Spine, followed by a few other moves chosen on the basis of appeal and novelty!

Eat well.  This means different things to different folks.  Get enough protein, not too much sugar. 

Use supplements.  Again, do some research, figure out what works for your body.  For me, Emergen-C is a must for a platelet condition and adrenal fatigue, both of which affect my energy levels.  T-Tapp's Alfalfa and another supplement, Protandim, are also staples.  For my body, Protandim has done more for my energy levels and adrenal fatigue than any other supplement I've tried.  Several times per week before bed I put magnesium gel (with a couple of drops of lavender oil) on my feet.

Try essential oils.  Almost a year ago someone recommended essential oils to me for some menopausal sleep issues.  I was pretty skeptical but decided to try them.  The first night I used Stress Away on my wrists and Tranquil behind my ears, I dreamed vividly and slept all night.  And just about every night thereafter.  Thus began my love affair with essential oils and now we have quite a collection and use them daily.  I love En-R-Gee and Peppermint when I'm tired.

Being tired is part of life and often unavoidable, but perhaps something here will help you stop the downward slide.  We didn't even mention the part played by stress and emotions, but they definitely contribute.  Do what you can to care for yourself so you'll be able to keep up with all that you have to do.  Then you'll be singing, "Tonight's Gonna Be a Good Night!"




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