
How To Be Succesful Manager

how to be succesful manager

Manager shares how to succeed | BorneoPost Online

by Georgette Tan, reporter/span>. Posted on January 31, 2012, Tuesday

JENN & ASSOCIATES: A group photograph of the staff from Jenn & Associates

KUCHING: When asked about their secret to success, successful persons are all too willing to share that there is no secret except drive, determination, persistence and a lot of hard work.

POWERFUL WOMEN: (From left) Kelly, Jennifer and Connie.

Jennifer Lee

These are the key qualities agency manager Jennifer Lee credits for the astounding success of Jenn & Associates in 2011.

Jenn & Associates surpassed their First Year Premium (FYP) target of RM2 million, raking in a cool RM2.2 million.

"This year, we aim to hit RM3 million," Jennifer told The Borneo Post.

A self-confessed perfectionist to whom little details matter, Jennifer refuses to accept below par work that would reflect on her agency as anything less than the best.

"Look at this card!" she said, showing a sample invitation card to their annual dinner.

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The agency group photograph, crisp and sharp in its original form, fades against the cream-coloured card. She had the mistake rectified.

This attention to detail and uncompromising demand for quality is only a glimpse of made Jenn & Associates a force to be reckoned with in the insurance industry.

"When I do things, I do them well," she said.

"A person's drive is important in ensuring success. My greatest assets are my drive and determination. I also never give up and I work very, very hard."

A formidable personality in ING Insurance Bhd and in the insurance industry, Jennifer is part of the company's nationwide team which mentors their agents. She is also a trainer who trains her own agents.

Training at Jenn & Associates happens first thing in the morning, three times a week, but this is about to be increased to five times a week.

Jennifer holds training in the mornings as agents are fresh at that time. Mornings are also times when agents discuss challenges or interesting situations they encountered the day before.

"Once a week, we train our part time agents," she said.

Jennifer herself was trained by ING, and under Dato Dr Chua Meng Min of MMTS, a consultancy service that successfully turns many ailing insurance agencies into top agencies in Malaysia.

MMTS, which stands for 'Make Money Training Service', also produced 162 'Million Dollar Round Table' (MDRT) members from various insurance companies.

"We are the only agency in East Malaysia that is part of the MMTS team, so we have an advantage," Jennifer said.

With Bank Negara guidelines getting more strict and the industry more competitive, a sound knowledge of the business is important, she added.

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"To do well, you must know your industry inside out. If you don't, it's difficult. Can you imagine a client asking you something and you're not sure of the answer? They will lose confidence in you."

Jennifer admits that she is not immune to mistakes. "But if I make a mistake, I don't make excuses. I just correct it quickly and make sure I don't repeat it," she said.

As for their second triumph for 2011, Jenn & Associates set a record by producing three Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT) members, a first for any agency within Sarawak. Jennifer herself was among the three, making it her eighth consecutive year in the elite group that only admits the top two per cent of insurance consultants worldwide.

Jenn & Associates group sales manager (GSM) Kelly Wong, not only landed a place in the top two per cent, but was named 2011 Top GSM in East Malaysia. She is also among Malaysia's Top 10 GSMs.

Asked why she got into the insurance business, Kelly's reply was straightforward.

"Money," she said. "And I want my own career."

Kelly never imagined when she joined Jenn & Associates in 2008 that she would have accumulated all these achievements just three years down the road.

"When I started, I didn't even know what a MDRT was!" she exclaimed.

However, there were three things she did know for sure: she wanted her own career, she wanted to be successful, and she wanted to be a somebody. She saw how far the industry had taken her agency manager and wanted it for herself.

"Insurance is a very meaningful career. It's not all about earning money," Kelly said, adding that they experience personal growth and get to help customers achieve financial freedom while achieving their own.

There were setbacks, but Kelly overcame them with determination and persistence. She cited Jennifer as her inspiration.

"I have a good leader. She is an MDRT for eight years. If our leader is not an MDRT, how can she lead us into being one too? We have an example to follow."

Kelly's next move is to maintain and improve on all her current accolades.

Connie Choo, who is a rookie in Jenn & Associates, blazed past everyone in her four-inch heels to her own MDRT after a mere six months with the agency.

"In the beginning, I didn't know anything about the MDRT. I only knew the brand ING," she confessed. "I just needed a brand and career."

The former flight attendant added that foreign trips, one of the most anticipated perks of those who performed well in the insurance company, was not her motivation.

Connie left a stable well-paid job in a private firm because she coveted the freedom that a desk-bound job didn't offer. She also wanted to maintain her lifestyle. Much like Kelly, she immediately saw that Jennifer had already achieved everything she also wanted.

Connie came into the business with one disadvantage – she had no network. But that didn't stop her from travelling to small towns all over Sarawak, high heels and trolley bags in tow. She'd go from hawker stall to hawker stall, following referrals that may take her to another small town.

When asked if she had any regrets, she was quick to say there were none. "This will be my last job!" she declared happily.

Just like Kelly, she thanked her clients and family members for their support.

Jennifer echoed the sentiment, adding that without their clients, they won't be where they are today.

"I can say as an agent, if you don't have family support, you cannot be successful." She said. "I also want to thank ING for giving our agency very good support, which is why we have achieved so much today. Work-life balance is key: I work hard and play hard!"

"Our agency provides a good platform for new potential recruits wanting to achieve financial freedom and personal growth," Jennifer concluded.

Jenn & Associates can be reached at Wisma ING, No. 20, Lot 203A, 2nd Floor, Jalan Rubber, 93400 Kuching, Sarawak or call 082-242909 or 016-8601969, fax 082-423969 or email jennassociate/p>

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